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Disrupt your business process with The only telecommunications infrastructure company in Vietnam with foreign shareholders CMC was honored to be on the list of "Vietnams 50 Best Performing Companies 2018" CMC Corporation receives strategic investment from Samsung SDS CMC launches open infrastructure ecosystem C.OPE2N, desires to make Vietnam a Digital Hub of Asia 19 May 2019、No.1 Converged Service ProviderinVietnam Constantly investing in and upgrading telecommunications infrastructure of international standards. Bring comprehensive solutions integrating telecommunications and information technology. Owner of CVCS which connects across Southeast Asia and 03 Tier III neutral Data Centers with PCI-DSS certification. NetNam is the first company to bring the Internet to Vietnam and is one of the first ISPs in Vietnam. Business domain: Internet, online services, network administration and monitoring services, integrated telecommunications services. Bring comprehensive solutions integrating telecommunications and information technology. Owner of CVCS which connects across Southeast Asia and 03 Tier III neutral Data Centers with PCI-DSS certification. NetNam is the first company to bring the Internet to Vietnam and is one of the first ISPs in Vietnam. Business domain: Internet, online services, network administration and monitoring services, integrated telecommunications services. We believe that the following are a sustainable basis for each other Understanding customers, CMC provides customized and specific care and support for each individual business of companies and organizations. Providing high quality services, CMC is committed to complying with the highest standard of infrastructure, international services CMC is capable to provide active services in Asian region and globally via connectivity with International partners. Specialized,IntegratedService Package With One-Stop-Shop model, CMC provides integrated Telecommunications and IT services for each individual Companies. Most Outstanding Telecommunications Service Provider of the Year 2018 Most Outstanding Telecommunications Service Provider of the Year 2018 Certificate One of the top 3 Leading Companies in the world to achieve MEF 3.0 Being the only company in Vietnam owning datacenter achieved PCI DSS Security StandardCMC Telecom、cmctelecom.vn
19 May 2019
19 May 2019
No.1 Cloud Service Provider
the foundationof COPE2N
CMC Telecom
CMC Telecom
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ProfessionalCustomer Service
InternationalQuality Standard